
GNS Juniors

With numerous mixed teams ranging from U8s - U18s, GNS Juniors aims to ensure all our girls and boys enjoy their hockey at all levels and have access the best possible coaching to develop their skills.

A high number of GNS Juniors have gone on to play representative hockey, including state and international level.  

We are very lucky to have many experienced coaches from our senior womens and mens ranks.


The 2025 GNS Juniors coaching staff are:

Sam Hobson & Robbie Muir – Coaching Directors

Brenton Keys (Ex SA International), Nigel Lynn, Nic Finn – Junior Coaches 

Additional coaching advice from specialist external national goalkeeping and skills coaches.

GNS Juniors compete in the North Area & Sydney Metro competitions with mixed teams in the following age groups (U12, U14, U16 and U18s). 

A child's age for competition purposes is determined by their age on January 1 (see Juniors' FAQs below).  

Players and teams are graded to cater for all skill levels from beginners to representative level players. 

Matches are played on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings each week on artificial turf surfaces at:

  • Ku-ring-gai Hockey Centre, North Turramurra - GNS Home Turf

  • Cintra Park, Concord;

  • Pennant Hills Park, Pennant Hills;

  • Keith Thompson Hockey Centre, North Ryde;

  • Sydney Olympic Park.

A high number of GNS Juniors go on to play representative hockey, including state level.  

Many of our juniors also chose to join GNS Men and GNS Women for early exposure to top flight senior hockey.


GNS Juniors will be training from the newly refurbished Ku-ring-gai Hockey Centre (KHC) Kuring Gai Hockey School, Bobbin Head Road, Turramurra.


U16's     5:30 - 7 pm 


U14's   5.30 pm-7 pm

U8's, U10's, U12's     6 pm-7 pm



Registration Open



For all queries, please email juniors@gnshockey.asn.au and one of our club volunteers will get back to you in a timely manner.


Please ensure you read the GNS Juniors' policies closely. The policies are designed to ensure every player enjoys their hockey and to ensure the smooth functioning of the club.

During registration you will be asked to agree to the following policies, before agreeing to the policies please ensure you have read them very carefully:

Code of Conduct

Junior Commitment Policy

Refund Policy

Junior Selection Philosophy

Throughout the season GNS will ensure the following policies will be applied by coaches, umpires and administration staff:

Junior Interchange Policy

Coaches Commitment Contract

Umpires Commitment Contract

 As a club entering junior teams into various hockey competitions our goals are:

  1. To enable children from beginners to elite players the opportunity to play hockey

  2. To enable children to enjoy a team sport in a supportive, friendly environment

  3. To enable children to improve their hockey skills and to reach their potential as an athlete

  4. To teach children the importance of exercise as an integral part of a healthy lifestyle

  5. To enable children to learn the value of commitment to training, their team-mates and their coach

  6. To provide an avenue for your child to acquire leadership skills and accept responsibility through playing, umpiring

Frequently Asked Questions

For answers to basic administration questions please read below.

I Want To Join The Club, What Do I Do?

Monitor the website for key dates and information. Junior trials are usually in February/March, with training starting soon after. Junior mixed competitions begin in March.

We also enter teams in indoor and 6 aside competitions in term 4.

Who Do We Contact For Information?

This website is your first source of information. Once teams have been selected your Team Manager is your first point of contact.  Please also see the list of key GNS Juniors contacts above.

What Competitions Are Available And Where And When Are They Played?

See above.

When Is Training?

Refer to the table above under the heading, "Training".

It's Raining, Is Our Training Session / Match On?

Matches on artificial turf, and our training sessions, will be on, even during rain. Pack a towel and a change of clothes in your hockey bag so you can change into dry clothes when your match is finished. Lightning may cause training or a match to be postponed or cancelled. If training is cancelled we will send an email and post on our Facebook page.

My Child Is X Years And Y Months Old, Which Age Group Will They Be In?

Ages are determined as at January 1 of the current year.

Aged 6 or 7 years on Jan 1, - Under 8's 

Aged 8 or 9 years on Jan 1, -Under 10's

Aged 10 or 11 years on Jan 1, - Under 12's

Aged 12 or 13 years on Jan 1, - Under 14's

Aged 14 or 15 years on Jan 1, - Under 16's

I Want To Join But The Competition Has Already Started, What Do I Do?

Please contact the Junior Convenor to determine if there are spaces available in your child's age group. If there are spaces available in a team of the correct age group then register online and come along to training.

If there are no spaces available – then we take names and contact details and put them on a waiting list. If we have enough numbers to add an extra team, or if we have some drop outs then we will contact you and offer you a place in a team.

When Does The Competition Run And For How Long Does It Run?

The North Area competition starts late March and finishes in late August/early September. Games are played on Friday evenings or Saturday mornings.

What Do I Do If Games Clash With School Sport?

Club games should take priority over school games. It is important that players and parents understand and adhere to this. Please see our policy regarding commitment to club games under the "Policies" heading on this page.

Where Can I Get My Uniform?

Please see kiosk / canteen

What Do I Need To Play Hockey?

Mouth guards and shin guards are compulsory for training sessions and matches. Players are unable to take the field unless they are wearing shin guards and a mouth guard. We recommend shin guards that protect the ankles. Shin guards should be long enough to protect the area from just above the ankles to just below the knees.

Joggers or runners can be worn on artificial turf hockey fields, no soccer boots please. Hockey turf shoes can also be purchased from specialist hockey retailers.

We recommend purchasing a hockey stick from a specialist hockey retailer such as Just Hockey at Sydney Olympic Park or Elite Hockey at Northern District Hockey Complex so that you can receive assistance in selecting a stick of the correct length for your height. Hockey sticks should not be purchased with a view to "growing" into them.

Representative Hockey

See the Northern Sydney and Beaches Hockey Association website for all information regarding representative hockey, including trials dates.  


An insurance levy is included in the fees you are required to pay to Hockey NSW. This insurance covers the player for club games and training as well as rep games and training. Any injuries that are incurred during a match should be recorded on the match sheet by the Team Manager. Injuries that occur at training should be notified to your Team Coach. For information on lodging an insurance claim please contact Hockey NSW at hockey@hockeynsw.com.au


If you would like the rewards of volunteering with the Junior club – we can always use another coach, manager, administrator or assistance with general administration tasks or fundraising. Please get involved and contact the Junior Convenor.


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